Monday, May 13, 2024


 Our Pause

Mostly thanks to COVID and then losing our wonderful workspace, our Eugene/Springfield volunteers have not been meeting together since early 2020.  Several of you jumped in to sew hundreds of masks, and still more have been working on kit components at home.  Thank you so much!  

Through Days for Girls International, we've been contributing our kits to huge distributions to victims of major tragedies--earthquake victims, refugees, etc.  These kits and components always need to find a ride to or DfG Collection PointNorth Salt Lake City to avoid shipping costs from Eugene, so please let me know if you're ever heading that way and able to drop off some boxes for us.  This spring, the components we contribute are going to girls and women in Gaza, Honduras, Cuba and at the Mexican border.

One of the reasons that made volunteering with Days for Girls so rewarding for me was the wonderful people I met at our monthly workdays.  I've really missed that since we last gathered in February 2020.

For about 8 years, we had held our workdays at Our Sewing Room at 5th and Main in Springfield, an amazing set-up for us.  Since that building was sold, I've been hoping to find a new place to work as a group once it felt safer to gather. I finally rented a small house near me, and I've set up our new workspace there.  It's in Eugene, a few blocks south of Harlow Rd.  Definitely not as roomy as Our Sewing Room was, but I'm excited about it and getting to work together again in smaller groups.  If you have a small group who wants to work together on components there, please contact me about setting that up.

Because it's much less spacious, I'm requesting RSVPs for our gatherings.  And because some of our volunteers are vulnerable or live with someone who is, only fully vaccinated folks please, or those flashing a recent negative test. 

I'll be notifying everyone on our email list soon about some upcoming workdays.  If you weren't on that list in the past and would like to be now, please email me at dfgeugene@gmail and ask me to add you.

Keep in mind that Tuesday, May 28 is Menstrual Hygiene Day.  The date was chosen a few years ago to focus on the worldwide need to eliminate period poverty, with May, the 5th month of the year, representing the average 5-day period and 28 representing a typical monthly cycle.  If you'd like to contribute to Days for Girls' efforts in celebration of MHD, you can do so by:
  • working with our chapter volunteers to make kit components
  • delivering kits to our center in North Salt Lake City
  • donating washcloths (medium weight, darker colors, no microfiber)
  • donating underwear (ask me for details--you can buy them online through DfG and save shipping costs)
  • contributing monetarily to our chapter's efforts here or by check to Days for Girls with Eugene Chapter in the memo line--bring to a work session  or mail to 
                Days for Girls International 
                P.O. Box 2622
                Mount Vernon, WA 98273.  
          (Either way, you'll receive a receipt for tax purposes.)

Hoping to see you soon!

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