Monday, May 28, 2018



One of the necessary elements in changing the world for menstruating girls and women in developing countries is letting the world know that such difficult situations exist.  There's so much more in print now than 10 years ago when DFG was formed.  I've recently come across two articles featuring Meghan Markle's work on this issue.  Let's hope our target girls and women will benefit from the spotlight the countess shines on the subject.

In Time magazine

And in Ms Magazine blog.

From the BBC  This one has links above it to other articles and videos.

Here's another one about men in Uganda learning to make pads for women:


Image result for chhaupadi

Here's one cruel custom Days for Girls is helping to eradicate.


We chose Menstrual Hygiene Day (May 28) to draw the name of the winner of our delightful quilt.  Congratulations to Dale, and thanks to all of you who helped with the sewing, Robin who donated her lovely long-arm quilting, the dozens of you who sold tickets, and the hundreds of people who bought chances!  And of course, thanks to Dale for supporting Days for Girls with his generous purchase of tickets.  

I was hopeful that we'd get close to $2000 in sales, and it appears that our total take was $2099!!  What a great group effort!

Over the past months, the quilt has visited various sites and multiple cities as I was invited to speak to several groups. I was pleased to be able to chat with  many individuals just learning about Days for Girls.  We've received generous donations of supplies and money, and I hope to see some of the folks at our workdays.

Linda bought some tickets at Starbucks Monday, shortly before we drew the winner.


We always appreciate one of our bags of supplies hitching a ride with you as you travel out of the country.  Earlier this month, Beth and Jim took a bag of kits to Peru.  In July, Noel is toting flannel to a chapter in New Zealand (they can't match our US prices and busy colorful prints), and Linda (a different Linda) is taking a suitcase of supplies to a DFG Enterprise in Nairobi, Kenya!  Thanks to you all!


Please remember that we're not having a workday in June.  I hope you can join us on Saturday, July 7th at Our Sewing Room.  Come for how ever much time works for you, between 10 am and 4 pm.

1 comment:

  1. I completely forgot there wasn't a meeting in June. I'm probably not the only one!
